
Php 8.3 compatibility issue

pratik8787 opened this issue · 5 comments

Monolog 3.6.0

While checking the php compatibility via codesniffer for PHP 8.3, it is giving these errors for Monolog library

116 | ERROR | "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.
121 | ERROR | "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.
126 | ERROR | "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.
138 | ERROR | "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.
157 | ERROR | "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.
176 | ERROR | "$this" can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.

In which file?!

Ah that looks to be in Monolog\Level.. I guess this is a bug in php-codesniffer because it's an enum and not a class? Anyway nothing wrong here IMO

See squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#3827 - make sure you update your tooling if you are using the latest PHP version.

@Seldaek I'm having trouble understanding the situation. Has the issue been resolved, or is there still a problem? Are you implying that there might be an issue with the configuration? Please provide a clear solution or a well-constructed response before closing tickets.

There is no problem at all. Please read the linked issue before complaining. This was never a problem with Monolog.

I'll paste it here though:

I happen to know this has already been fixed in the PHPCompatibility develop branch.

This bug was fixed over a year ago in the PHPCompatibility project. So you need to update that.