
Contrast for links

xeruf opened this issue · 2 comments

xeruf commented

Especially in dark mode, I am not sure the contrast between that blue and the dark background is sufficiently accessible.
The code blocks seem to change from blue to green in dark mode, maybe the links should as well?

xeruf commented

Also, links seem to be missing proper hover and focus states and the like:

thagxt commented

Thank you for opening this Issue. You are right about the links not having all link states. I will add them asap.

About link's color contrast, actually links in dark mode have a good score of 7.41. #409cff against #000000 which is the default background color for the dark version.

On the other hand on #FFFFFF the score doesn't pass. So perhaps, the link color should be changed for the white version instead.

Perhaps, I might need to find a color that is good fit for both black and white backgrounds.

Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 12 58 43

Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 13 11 40