
Make a release with addon configuration bugfix to enable themeing

jenweber opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! My PR #242 was merged, but it would be helpful to have this as a release available on npm. Are there any blockers I can help with? I'm happy to help write a CHANGELOG, release notes, etc.

I question whether it should be a major or patch release. It's technically a bugfix, but I suspect that some long-term users may have extra config hanging around that was never actually picked up, and applying the new "patch" level release could have unexpected consequences. To be totally safe and de-risk weird behavior, it might be worth considering this as a major version (4.0.0).


Good work @jenweber, thanks for figuring this out!

Does anyone know a way to sidestep the NPM release and instruct ember to install this directly from the master branch until a 3.0.4 (3.1? 4.0?!) comes out?

I tried ember install, but it still doesn't appear to accept theme changes.

@vogelbek I have found that npm handles installs from GitHub kinda weirdly. I sometimes had to delete the entry from package-lock.json and delete the directory in a project's node_modules in order to force it to drop the "old" version and install from GitHub.

Then in your package.json, I think you can do something like "package": "git+"

I would not recommend installing straight from the master branch because if someone else's (possibly breaking) changes get merged in that you aren't expecting, it could go badly.

I'll see if I can help the maintainers get this out in the meantime.