
Erratic iOS scroll issue

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Using Semantic-UI@2.1.7

When scrolling (usually with a fast flick-scroll), scrolling fails and iOS scrollbars show and bounce up and down.


  • iOS only (can't reproduce on Android), but both Chrome and Safari are affected.
  • My .pusher element is a child of body (not getting any console warnings)
  • Scrollbars appear near the center of the screen, always in the same place, not relative to where touch occurred.
  • Once Sidebar has been opened and closed, the issue does not occur

Here's a video of what it looks like:

I discovered this only occurs with the push transition. With these settings, it never happens:

mobileTransition: 'overlay',

Scratch that, just saw it again with these settings. Seems less common, but I still get it.