
Create issues for open TODO items

JohannesLipp opened this issue · 3 comments

  • List all todos
  • Remove todos or create issues for these (and possibly merge multiple ones)
  • In the source code (todo): Refer to the issue number (e.g., // TODO (#123): <Todo text>)

Exported All TODOs

└─ neologism2
├─ api
│ └─ methods.ts (Implement User Auth for CRUD)
│ ├─ line 110: TODO : Sanitize
│ ├─ line 116: TODO : Sanitize
│ ├─ line 169: TODO : Sanitize
│ └─ line 197: TODO : Sanitize
└─ src
├─ batchRecommender
│ └─ batchRecommender.component.html
│ └─ line 3: TODO : add anchor for references (see standardView.component.html)
├─ editbox
│ ├─ editbox.component.ts
│ │ ├─ line 31: TODO : as this is an observable, does it need input?
│ │ ├─ line 39: TODO : strictly speaking, this component does not need this as it only needs access to classes and properties.
│ │ └─ line 134: TODO is there a better way in JS?
│ └─ editbox.service.ts
│ └─ line 86: TODO : is this a good way to do this?
├─ mxgraph
│ ├─ standardView
│ │ └─ standardView.component.html
│ │ └─ line 2: TODO : add anchor for references
│ ├─ N3Codec.ts
│ │ ├─ line 85: TODO Michael: Assuming string[] returned
│ │ ├─ line 146: TODO Michael: Assuming string[] returned
│ │ └─ line 165: TODO : Not exactly foolproof
│ ├─ dynamicGrid.ts
│ │ └─ line 29: TODO attach window resize listener
│ ├─ mxgraph.component.ts
│ │ ├─ line 115: TODO : Currently creates a new instance with each subscription. Use something like this instead: .multicast(new BehaviorSubject([]));
│ │ ├─ line 177: TODO It looks like this currently leaks observables.
│ │ └─ line 289: TODO : is this better solved with a ES6 Map?
│ └─ mxgraph.ts
│ ├─ line 46: TODO : Implement this in the future?
│ ├─ line 140: TODO Michael does this need to be implemented?
│ ├─ line 146: TODO Michael does this need to be implemented?
│ ├─ line 174: TODO : Check if multiple listener on same event creating UI flow disturbances
│ ├─ line 230: TODO in principle getCell should work, but upon inserting there is an issue and the cell gets assigned a new id
│ ├─ line 302: TODO : Assert this clear selection model
│ └─ line 307: TODO : Assert this clear selection model
├─ recommender
│ └─ recommender.component.ts
│ ├─ line 39: TODO REFACTOR THIS
│ ├─ line 41: TODO MC: I don't know a better way to ensure that an old finishing request does not turn of the spinner OR fills the results.
│ ├─ line 42: TODO before it was be possible that an old, still pending request which returns turns off the spinner or fills the result list
│ ├─ line 89: TODO re-enable context
│ └─ line 96: TODO handle error?
├─ services
│ └─ vocabularies.service.ts
│ ├─ line 79: TODO : Breaks upon deletion
│ └─ line 293: TODO : this following steps are overkill. We can use something more granular later.
├─ vocablist
│ └─ vocablist.component.ts
│ └─ line 44: TODO : Move to VocabService #decouple
└─ vocabulary-editor
├─ mx-graph-editor
│ └─ mx-graph-editor.component.ts
│ ├─ line 48: TODO : Currently creates a new instance with each subscription. Use something like this instead: .multicast(new BehaviorSubject([]));
│ ├─ line 75: TODO It looks like this currently leaks observables.
│ └─ line 151: TODO : is this better solved with a ES6 Map?
├─ edit.component.service.ts
│ └─ line 85: TODO : is this a good way to do this?
└─ vocabulary-editor.component.ts
├─ line 75: TODO : as this is an observable, does it need input?
├─ line 83: TODO : strictly speaking, this component does not need this as it only needs access to classes and properties.
├─ line 205: TODO is there a better way in JS?
└─ line 255: TODO : Call the updateClass (needs to be implemented) of vocabService and call toggleEdit() afterwards

└─ neologism2
├─ methods.ts
│ ├─ line 110: TODO (#183): Sanitize
│ ├─ line 116: TODO (#183): Sanitize
│ ├─ line 169: TODO (#183): Sanitize
│ └─ line 197: TODO (#183): Sanitize
├─ batchRecommender.component.html
│ └─ line 10: TODO (185): add anchor for references (see standardView.component.html)
├─ editbox.component.ts
│ ├─ line 31: TODO (184): as this is an observable, does it need input?
│ ├─ line 39: TODO (184): strictly speaking, this component does not need this as it only needs access to classes and properties.
│ └─ line 134: TODO (184): is there a better way in JS?
├─ editbox.service.ts
│ └─ line 86: TODO (184): is this a good way to do this?
├─ N3Codec.ts
│ ├─ line 85: TODO Michael (186): Assuming string[] returned
│ ├─ line 146: TODO Michael (187): Assuming string[] returned
│ └─ line 165: TODO (187): Not exactly foolproof
├─ dynamicGrid.ts
│ └─ line 29: TODO (187) attach window resize listener
├─ mxgraph.component.ts
│ ├─ line 116: TODO (18): Currently creates a new instance with each subscription. Use something like this instead: .multicast(new BehaviorSubject([]));
│ ├─ line 178: TODO (186): It looks like this currently leaks observables.
│ └─ line 290: TODO (184): is this better solved with a ES6 Map?
├─ mxgraph.ts
│ ├─ line 46: TODO (187): Implement this in the future?
│ ├─ line 140: TODO (187):Michael does this need to be implemented?
│ ├─ line 146: TODO (187): Michael does this need to be implemented?
│ ├─ line 174: TODO (186): Check if multiple listener on same event creating UI flow disturbances
│ ├─ line 230: TODO (186): in principle getCell should work, but upon inserting there is an issue and the cell gets assigned a new id
│ ├─ line 302: TODO (183): Assert this clear selection model
│ └─ line 307: TODO (183): Assert this clear selection model
├─ standardView.component.html
│ └─ line 2: TODO (185): add anchor for references
├─ recommender.component.ts
│ ├─ line 39: TODO (189) REFACTOR THIS
│ ├─ line 41: TODO (189) MC: I don't know a better way to ensure that an old finishing request does not turn of the spinner OR fills the results.
│ ├─ line 42: TODO (189) before it was be possible that an old, still pending request which returns turns off the spinner or fills the result list
│ ├─ line 89: TODO (187) re-enable context
│ └─ line 96: TODO (187) handle error?
├─ vocabularies.service.ts
│ ├─ line 79: TODO (186): Breaks upon deletion
│ └─ line 293: TODO (184): this following steps are overkill. We can use something more granular later.
├─ vocablist.component.ts
│ └─ line 44: TODO (188): Move to VocabService #decouple
├─ edit.component.service.ts
│ └─ line 85: TODO (184): is this a good way to do this?
├─ mx-graph-editor.component.ts
│ ├─ line 48: TODO 18: Currently creates a new instance with each subscription. Use something like this instead: .multicast(new BehaviorSubject([]));
│ ├─ line 75: TODO (186) It looks like this currently leaks observables.
│ └─ line 151: TODO (184): is this better solved with a ES6 Map?
└─ vocabulary-editor.component.ts
├─ line 75: TODO (186): as this is an observable, does it need input?
├─ line 83: TODO (184): strictly speaking, this component does not need this as it only needs access to classes and properties.
├─ line 205: TODO (184)is there a better way in JS?
└─ line 255: TODO (187): Call the updateClass (needs to be implemented) of vocabService and call toggleEdit() afterwards

added issues and updated todos