
Undefined offset: 1 in ...\SWL_CustomTexts.php on line 62

mwjames opened this issue · 3 comments

46  SWLEmailer::notifyUser( )   ..\GroupNotify.php:133
47  SWLEmailer::getChangeListHTML( )    ..\SWL_Emailer.php:52
48  SWLEmailer::getPropertyHTML( )  ..\SWL_Emailer.php:87
49  SWLCustomTexts->getPropertyCustomText( )    ..\SWL_Emailer.php:112
50  SWLCustomTexts->initCustomTexts( )  ..\SWL_CustomTexts.php:78

@mwjames assuming you have not fixed this.

@nischayn22 can you have a look at this?

assuming you have not fixed this.

No, and given the fact that it has not been converted to a SWL\ ns (I haven't look at it).

Duplicate of #59