Feature request: __NOSUMMARYCARDS__
Closed this issue · 4 comments
krabina commented
It would be great to have an opportunity to omit the SummaryCard function on certain pages, e. g. with something like __NOSUMMARYCARDS__
kghbln commented
Yeah, such a behaviour switch could be useful on selected pages. Thanks for suggesting.
mwjames commented
something like
Using a magic word, one would need to use OutputPageParserOutput
instead of the BeforePageDisplay
(code is untested and requires to register __NOSUMMARYCARDS__
$this->handlers['OutputPageParserOutput'] = function ( &$outputPage, $parserOutput ) {
$mw = \MagicWord::get( 'NO_SUMMARYCARDS' );
// If the text does not contain __NOSUMMARYCARDS__ then register the modules
if ( !$mw->matchAndRemove( $parserOutput->getText() ) ) {
$outputPage->addModuleStyles( 'ext.summary.cards.styles' );
return true;
kghbln commented
We would also need a "SummaryCards.magic.php" file to be able to localize __NOSUMMARYCARDS__