
REMOTE Server error message (HTTP Code 400): bad format

Opened this issue · 1 comments

For some days I'm getting this error in my field log:

0|field | 16:24:24.587 FIELD ERROR pinging Field Server
0|field | 16:24:24.587 FIELD - REMOTE Server error message (HTTP Code 400): bad format

My Server was running without problems for weeks and I changed nothing.
Can you pleease check? My Server is - -the field name is "Flynns Node". I'm using the latest version of field.cli - 0.1.6


Mmhh, what a the error seems gone. I changed the static donation adress to a new one which is attached to the Tangle. I guess the old one (which was not attached) was causing the problem.

I whished I could use a seed as I did the first weeks. However, after a while this was causing __Error 429 "ip flagged for 5 minutes due to misbehaviour"__ errors.
I've read somewhere this was because this seed received some of you large donation transactions with thousands of jobs in it. Maybe the reason, maybe not.

For now it works. And all I can say is: keep up the great work! :)

All the best, Axel