
Page consistency

Opened this issue · 3 comments

gjeee commented

I ran Romeo 1.0.3 in my browser at work and i created a third page there. At home i logged out of my instance (which still had 2 pages) and i logged in again and was expecting to see my third page. But somehow it does not update correctly and i still see page 2.


gjeee commented

Seems like this is fixed in v1.0.5

gjeee commented

hmmm in v1.0.5 i still have this issue i am afraid.

i posted on discord the following:

"on one romeo instance (running on my mobile) i created a new page so my balance moved.....another romeo instance still goes to previous page after login (even when loading the backup file created from the first instance). i just like to now if it is safe to create a new page for this new instance (which is lagging 1 page) as well"

reply on discord from @Wollac:

"creating a new page again should be safe (at least before the snapshot or without remaining funds on the previous page), but I would still be carefull as Romeo should have functionality to recover from such situtations. So try to clear the cache (on the browser with the missing page). In this case Romeo (even without a backup file) does a "recovery" to find out all the pages that have been used!'

my reply to that:

" hmmmm after clearing firefox cache and sitedata it still does not work. after login it goes straight to the old page (with and without backup) .... i could create new page to see if that works but i prefer the normal recovery mode"

gjeee commented bad!

one has to clear the site data in about:preferences#privacy. choose the site, then click "remove selected" and then push "save changes".

i forgot to do the last step (save changes)
