
Feature request: add a way to reference base16 colors

shaunsingh opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all thank you for the project, its the best base16 nix project I've used so far.

Would it be possible to add a way to reference the hex values in any config, by something like ${base16.base05}?

Thank for your kind words :)
Can you expand a bit on the feature that you need?
Maybe that's already possible, the documentation can be a bit unclear (sorry):
Right now you can reference the colors after you set the scheme like this: config.scheme.base05, almost like in the example with alacritty from, but there we want to also have a # symbol before the colors, so we reference the colors like this config.scheme.withHashtag.base05 (of course, if you want just single color, writing "#${config.scheme.base05}" is easier, because withHashtag was designed to be used like this: with config.scheme.withHashtag; ..., like in the example with alacritty)

Oh I see, yup that was the feature I was looking for. Thanks for the great project once again!