
Fixed IFTTT connection issue, thanks for the tip!

twingall1 opened this issue · 0 comments

followed your link and found some code which fixed the IFTTT section of the code so it now works for me; sends both email and phone notifications.
Thanks for the tip
here is the latter part of the .ino code with my edit:

    cpm = (60000 * counts) / (millis() - startCountTime) ;
    counts = 0 ;
    startCountTime = millis() ;
    lastCountTime += PERIOD_LOG * 1000;
    displayString("Radioactivity", 64, 0);
    displayInt(cpm, 64, 30);
    if (cpm >= 200) {
      if (active) {
        active = 0 ;
        displayString("¡¡ALARM!!", 64, 0);
        displayInt(cpm, 64, 30);
//begin edit---     
              //Send email
        int    HTTP_PORT   = 80;
        String HTTP_METHOD = "POST"; // or "GET"
        char   HOST_NAME[] = ""; // hostname of web server:
        String PATH_NAME   = "/trigger/radiationHigh/json/with/key/kBhwl8us_6dBBeL"; //(not a real API key; add your own here, after key/   ... change 'radiationHigh' to whatever is your 'event' name in IFTTT
          if(client.connect(HOST_NAME, HTTP_PORT)) {
            Serial.println("Connected to server");
          } else {
            Serial.println("connection failed");
          // send HTTP request header
          client.println(HTTP_METHOD + " " + PATH_NAME + " HTTP/1.1");
          client.println("Host: " + String(HOST_NAME));
          client.println("Connection: close");
          client.println(); // end HTTP request header
//comment out the following 3 lines...          
//#ifdef IFTT
//        IFTTT(cpm);

//end edit---
      } ;
    else if (cpm < 100)
      active = 1 ;
    } ;
#ifdef CONS
    Serial.print("cpm: "); Serial.println(cpm);