
error reading response to command SMB2_WRITE

Opened this issue · 3 comments

first of all thank you for such light and intuitive app

i have run into a problem - whenever initiating sync action only one files gets copied and i keep getting the following error for the rest

2022/04/13 14:07:32 zdjecia
Copied:1 Deleted:0 Ignored:0
Transport0 error reading response to command=SMB2_WRITE,status=0,flags=0x0000,mid=173,wordCount=0,byteCount=33465

I am trying to copy photos from Android phone to OpenMediaVault5 based NAS running on raspberry 4. The error occurs regardless of number of photos in the folders i have tested (from 2 to +1000).

I haven't encountered similar issues when copying multiple files manually from my phone to NAS using other SMB file managers.

I am accessing NAS without login details but have full read/write privileges enabled for guests.

Echo above, thanks for a very useful app. I also have this issue copying to rpi4 omv nas but from an orange pi 5b running android 12. Any clues would be appreciated.


hello, i had a similar issue as above and was able to resolve it.

setup is rpi4 and omv nas. i have read/write enabled for guests and that has worked for other apps (no creds) but got an error when trying to do the same with smbsync2.

i added one of my user creds to the task and the issue went away.

hope this helps someone

hello, i had a similar issue as above and was able to resolve it.

setup is rpi4 and omv nas. i have read/write enabled for guests and that has worked for other apps (no creds) but got an error when trying to do the same with smbsync2.

i added one of my user creds to the task and the issue went away.

hope this helps someone

Yes sir it certainly did. Many thanks for taking the time to share 👍😎