
using on deepin v23 but plugins not compatible

aksharlabs opened this issue · 2 comments

using dock local plugins dir: "/home/computebox/.local/lib/dde-top-panel/plugins/" using dock plugins dir: "/usr/lib/dde-top-panel/plugins" qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 399, resource id: 0, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0 "DockPlugin" load plugin failed!!! "Cannot load library /home/computebox/.local/lib/dde-top-panel/plugins/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" "/home/computebox/.local/lib/dde-top-panel/plugins/"

Thanks for the feedback. Deepin V23 is a major version upgrade, and it is currently unclear what has caused this issue. From the current perspective, the plugin loading mechanism of Deepin V23 has changed compared to Deepin V20, resulting in all system plugins being unable to be used on the dde-top-panel.

Due to my decreasing free time, I am currently evaluating whether to continue maintaining the project to make it compatible with version V23.

plugins working on dde-dock are also not working with unknown error
"DockPlugin" load plugin failed!!! "Unknown error" "/home/computebox/.local/lib/dde-top-panel/plugins/"
and original dde-dok plugins not compatible because of api version upgrade on v23