
Any hope that you will upgrade to 8.0.1

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Noticed this on the information page. While the files were removed the data was moved into the Blizzard_APIDocumentation folder..

With WoW 7.3, Blizzard removed the 3 files I used to maintain wow-bundle (namely GlobalAPI.lua, WidgetAPI.lua and Events.lua from the Helix directory). Therefore, I cannot guarantee any longer that the bundle is 100% accurate with respect to the lastest WoW API.

Some if the info in there is the following..

local AreaPoiInfo =
Name = "AreaPoiInfo",
Type = "System",
Namespace = "C_AreaPoiInfo",

Functions =
Name = "GetAreaPOIForMap",
Type = "Function",

  Arguments =
    { Name = "uiMapID", Type = "number", Nilable = false },

  Returns =
    { Name = "areaPoiIDs", Type = "table", InnerType = "number", Nilable = false },
  Name = "GetAreaPOIInfo",
  Type = "Function",

  Arguments =
    { Name = "uiMapID", Type = "number", Nilable = false },
    { Name = "areaPoiID", Type = "number", Nilable = false },

  Returns =
    { Name = "poiInfo", Type = "AreaPOIInfo", Nilable = false },
  Name = "GetAreaPOITimeLeft",
  Type = "Function",

  Arguments =
    { Name = "areaPoiID", Type = "number", Nilable = false },

  Returns =
    { Name = "minutesLeft", Type = "number", Nilable = false },
  Name = "IsAreaPOITimed",
  Type = "Function",
  Documentation = { "This statically determines if the POI is timed, GetAreaPOITimeLeft retrieves the value from the server and may return nothing for long intervals" },

  Arguments =
    { Name = "areaPoiID", Type = "number", Nilable = false },

  Returns =
    { Name = "isTimed", Type = "bool", Nilable = false },


Events =
Name = "AreaPoisUpdated",
Type = "Event",
LiteralName = "AREA_POIS_UPDATED",

Tables =
Name = "AreaPOIInfo",
Type = "Structure",
Fields =
{ Name = "areaPoiID", Type = "number", Nilable = false },
{ Name = "position", Type = "table", Mixin = "Vector2DMixin", Nilable = false },
{ Name = "name", Type = "string", Nilable = false },
{ Name = "description", Type = "string", Nilable = true },
{ Name = "textureIndex", Type = "number", Nilable = true },
{ Name = "widgetSetID", Type = "number", Nilable = true },
{ Name = "atlasName", Type = "string", Nilable = true },
