

Closed this issue · 2 comments

LightsailMon (An AWS Lightsail monitor service that can auto change blocked IP.)
Log level: warning (Concurrent: 20)
time="2023-04-25T13:40:33+08:00" level=warning msg="LightsailMon Started"
LightsailMon (An AWS Lightsail monitor service that can auto change blocked IP.)
Log level: warning (Concurrent: 20)
time="2023-04-25T13:40:54+08:00" level=warning msg="LightsailMon Started"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:49+08:00" level=error msg="[AccessKeyID: *********] *** dial tcp4 i/o timeout"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:49+08:00" level=error msg="[AccessKeyID: *********] *** dial tcp4 i/o timeout"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:52+08:00" level=error msg="InvalidInputException: Some names are already in use: LightsailMon\n{\n RespMetadata: {\n StatusCode: 400,\n RequestID: "82ffe1cd-0aca-43fb-9b58-aaed4300a835"\n },\n Code_: "NameExists",\n Message_: "Some names are already in use: LightsailMon"\n}"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:52+08:00" level=error msg="[***] Change node IP"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:52+08:00" level=error msg="[***] Change node IP"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:55+08:00" level=error msg="InvalidInputException: Sorry, this static IP is not attached.\n{\n RespMetadata: {\n StatusCode: 400,\n RequestID: "63673724-cd9e-46a7-82f5-dc91a48a13da"\n },\n Code_: "InvalidAssociationID.NotFound",\n Message_: "Sorry, this static IP is not attached."\n}"
time="2023-04-26T05:46:59+08:00" level=error msg="NotFoundException: The StaticIp does not exist: LightsailMon\n{\n RespMetadata: {\n StatusCode: 400,\n RequestID: "526b11a4-d26c-402a-ac82-fc2444a5c84e"\n },\n Code_: "DoesNotExist",\n Message_: "The StaticIp does not exist: LightsailMon"\n}"

Delete all staticIP on your lightsail first and test again.

OK.thanks,I will delete and test