
[BUG] App 'window' is too large

DwainPipe opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Whenever using this app I cannot see all the app window at one time and end up moving the taskbar so I can see the scroll control.

To Reproduce
Just start the app, nothing else. This is how it appears on my 1920 x 1080 screen with 150% (recommended) scaling.
whole screen

Expected behavior
To be able to see the whole of the app window on the screen.

Additional context
Strangely the PMDG 737 Operations Center has a similar issue and they get people to change the application's high DPI settings in the app properties to resolve it, but I've tried all those settings available but none work.


Dwain Pipe [BAW24P]

I can reproduce this on Windows 11 Pro, on 1920x1080 resolution.

100% Resolution Scale in Windows the application fits fine, including the scroll bars and title bar.
125% Resolution Scale seems to have no issue displaying the full window identical to 100% Resolution Scale.

150% (and 175%) Resolution Scale in Windows the application window itself fits within the display area, but the title bar does not as well as the top of the scroll bar.

Appears the application window is of a fixed height/width that breaks out beyond the desktop space on the higher resolution scales.

After the idea of resolution scale, for me on Win 10 Pro, with 1920x1080 resolution, my default (Windows recommended) setting is 150%, which creates the issue I describe.

If I set 125% or 100% resolution scale, the issue is gone, but I can't read the screen!