
Publish the app in the Play Store

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We now have an account but we need to fill some information, more specifically:

  • Short description (up to 80 chars), in English and Spanish.
  • Full description (up to 4000 chars), in English and Spanish.
  • Create an icon for the app.
  • Create some screenshots in different devices to show in the store.
  • Fill the content classification test after uploading the APK.

English short description: "Record what you eat to avoid repetition and creation of new food intolerances"

It's now in a closed alpha group to test it for a short time (~2 weeks). We are planning on a release after that.

English long description:

If you have multiple food allergies, one of the best ways to help yourself is to “rotate” your foods, or eat a rotation diet. Four days allow you to keep track of what you are eating to avoid repetition and prevent you from forming new food intolerances

What is a rotation diet?

A rotation diet is a system of controlling food allergies by eating biologically related foods on the same day and then waiting at least four days before eating them again. Such a diet can help those with food allergies in several ways and may help prevent the development of allergies to new foods.

Why rotate your foods?

1.We are biologically designed to rotate foods.

Man is meant to eat with the seasons. We are not designed to eat avocado every single day, because nature does not allow for it. In nature (or even 100-150 years ago) we ate what was local and available.
2. Rotation allows for more nutrient diversity.

If we eat avocado as our main source of fat every day, we’re missing out on all of the healthy fats in olive oil, coconut, and beef tallow. Different foods come with different nutrients and we need variety for vibrancy!

  1. Eating the same foods constantly can cause food intolerances and impede gut healing

Any food, if eaten repetitively, can cause food allergies especially if we have gut issues.
Why? Like we stated above, our bodies aren’t designed to eat the same thing over and over again. And if we have permeable intestines and are eating avocado daily, our immune system is reacting to the avocado over, and over, and over again. Eventually it becomes too much.
Surely, the goal is to heal the gut. However, an important piece of gut healing is to remove inflammation, and stopping new intolerances from forming. Thus, a rotation diet can be an amazing strategy within a gut healing template.

Cualquier alimento, si se come repetidamente, puede causar intolerancias, especialmente si tenemos problemas intestinales. Si tienes varias intolerancias alimentarias, una de las formas más efectivas de evitar la creación de nuevas intolerancias es "rotar" tus alimentos o seguir una dieta de rotación. Four Days te permite registrar lo que comes cada día para evitar repeticiones y prevenir la formación de nuevas intolerancias alimentarias

¿Qué es una dieta de rotación?

Una dieta de rotación es un sistema para controlar las intolerancias a los alimentos al comer alimentos biológicamente relacionados el mismo día y luego esperar al menos cuatro días antes de volver a comerlos. Dicha dieta puede ayudar a las personas con intolerancias alimentarias de varias maneras y puede ayudar a prevenir el desarrollo de intolerancias a nuevos alimentos.

¿Por qué rotar los alimentos?

  1. Estamos biológicamente diseñados para rotar los alimentos.

El hombre está destinado a cambiar lo que come según las estaciones. No estamos diseñados para comer aguacate todos los días, porque la naturaleza no lo permite. En la naturaleza (o incluso hace 100-150 años) comíamos lo que había en la zona y estaba disponible en ese momento, sin la posibilidad de acercarse al supermercado.
2. La rotación permite una mayor diversidad de nutrientes.

Si comemos aguacate como nuestra principal fuente de grasa todos los días, estamos perdiendo todas las grasas saludables en el aceite de oliva, el coco y la carne. Diferentes alimentos tienen diferentes nutrientes y necesitamos variedad para la tener vitalidad.

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