
Doesn't work on iPad

SebT opened this issue · 3 comments

SebT commented

Hello, it's me again ♪

I have the following errors:

  • TypeError: this.$el.getBoundingClientRect is not a function. (In 'this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()', 'this.$el.getBoundingClientRect' is undefined) thrown by the method updateContainerSize
  • ReferenceError: Can't find private variable: @derivedConstructor thrown my an anonymous function in boundWords

For your information, getBoundingClientRect compatibility:

I think polyfilling it is the quickest way to fix this issue. Tell me if you can't work on it soon, I'll do a PR myself.

I could not find much about this issue on iPad. Anyway I rewrote the function. But I cannot test, if it fixed the issue.

SebT commented

Actually the getBoundingClientRect is supported on the iPad I used for the test. So I don't really know where the issue comes from.

For now I can't test either because I need the animations on the wordle so I can't update.

Check if you still have problems. I made a lot of changes lately.