
Animations doesn't work.

jesusvalle opened this issue · 4 comments

I have tried many values for setting the animationDuration property, but it doesn't work. I've tried putting a rotation also, but at page load it only print's the words rotated without any animation transition too.

I need any dependency?
Thanks so much for your work.

vue-word-cloud(:words="wordsCloud.words", :color="(wordsParams.color)", :fontFamily='wordsParams.fontFamily', :fontSizeRatio='wordsParams.fontSizeRatio' :animationDuration='1000')

Look at the minimal example.
Does it not work for you?

No, it doesn't, i've tested it to.

I only want the minimum enter animation, something like the example in your demo

I'm using vue with typescript and pug, it could be a problem?

There is no enter or leave animation for now. Only change animation.

Ok, thanks so much for your plugin and your time answering me.