
Multiple formats

CavalcanteLeo opened this issue · 1 comments

my code has to work in both formats like this:

"(##) ####-####" OR "(##) #####-####"

it's a telephone number in brazil
(2 digits) + 8 or 9 digits

And I don't have a regex for them,

Anyone could help me?

Actually, i'm going to use with all countries around the world,

Here is my json (i only have coded the brazilian numbers yet)

	"code": "AF",
	"dial_code": "+93",
	"flag": "Afghanistan.png",
        "phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Afghanistan"
}, {
	"code": "AO",
	"dial_code": "+244",
	"flag": "Angola.png",
	"phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Angola"
	"code": "AR",
	"dial_code": "+54",
	"flag": "Argentina.png",
	"phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Argentina"
},  {
	"code": "AW",
	"dial_code": "+297",
	"flag": "Aruba.png",

	"phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Aruba"
}, {
	"code": "AU",
	"dial_code": "+61",
	"flag": "Australia.png",

	"phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Australia"
}, {
	"code": "AT",
	"dial_code": "+43",
	"flag": "Austria.png",

	"phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Austria"
},  {
	"code": "BR",
	"dial_code": "+55",
	"flag": "Brazil.png",
	"phoneMask": ["(##) ####-####", "(##) #####-####"],
	"name": "Brazil"


I did it by a simply count of the hashes

     [self.currentCountry.phoneMasks enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * _Nonnull pattern, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
        if (idx == 0){
            [self.textFieldPhone.formatter setDefaultOutputPattern:pattern];
        NSString *regex = [self regexString:pattern];
        [self.textFieldPhone.formatter addOutputPattern:pattern forRegExp:regex];

-(NSString *)regexString:(NSString *)patterString{
    NSUInteger numberOfHashes = [[patterString componentsSeparatedByString:@"#"] count] - 1;

    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"^\\d{%zd}", numberOfHashes];