
Samantha, the best bot ever! (Not really....)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord Donate

Who is Samantha?

Samantha is a Discord Bot, she is designed to make the life of a server easier (Making it more fun for users, making managing easier for server staff etc)!

What can Samantha do?

Samantha is designed to make the live of a server easier. At the moment Samantha can not do allot, it has a good working Bot Admin system and that allows the server owner (The creator of the server) to assign the Bot Admin rights for a certain user/users. There is also a Achievement system, this system encourages users to use the bot more to unlock secret achievements etc. There are allot more things planned for Samantha!

##Donating... Donating to Samantha is a thing you can do to support the devs of Samantha. The hosting of Samantha is NOT free, it costs around €10/month. If u donate you get into the big giant donation list of Samantha!


  "misc": {
    "prefix": "s.", 
    "bot_name": "Samantha", 
    "autosave": 300000, 
    "autostatus": 120000, 
    "debug": false 
  "login": {
    "token": "" 
  "perms": {
    "master": "1234567890" 
  "useless": {
    "playing": ["This is a example!", "Mayby another example?", "You get how it works now..."] 

Disclaimer The bot is open source but you are not allowed to copy it and use it!