
Feature Request - Right Justified Inline Blame Messages.

gpaulsen opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature Request:

It would be really great to be able to enable right justification of inline git blame messages.

I would assume this would be a new boolean setting that would change the location of the inline git blame message to line up across the right hand side of the vscode editor (honoring the other gitblame.inlineMessage settings as well). There would need to be some priority so that the code would always render "on top" of the blame messages for really long lines.

I have no idea how the vscode renderer works (or if it works with languages that read right to left), but I'd hope that a change like this would not be too difficult.

Thanks for considering this feature request, and for the already excellent extension.

Hey Geoff! Thanks for the feature request.

Sadly TextEditor.setDecorations is very limited in what styling it supports.

If this changes in the future we can definitely reconsider adding this as an option.