
TABLE component responsiveDynamicHeight does not work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

starting using the TABLE component and when I set to true the responsiveDynamicHeight this property does not work or I don't understand how to use it.
What I need is not to fix the height, the height have to resize their self.

Juan Ramírez

Hi Juan,

the responsiveDynamicHeight is applicable only if the table is used in responsiveForms. Still the responsiveHeight property will be used as maxHeight;
it basically allow the table to use only the height necessary up to max responsiveHeight (then will show scrollbar);

For example if you have a responsiveHeight of 500px but your table shows only 2 records, when responsiveDynamicHeight is true the table will take only few pixels in height (the header + the 2 rows). The table will grow up to the max 500px, then if more rows are added it will show a scrollbar.
