
Example deep learning projects that use wandb's features.

Primary LanguagePython


Getting started

  1. Install wandb
pip install wandb
wandb login
  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/wandb/examples

Example projects

Example deep learning projects that use wandb's features.


Trains a fashion mnist classifier with a small CNN using the keras framework with the tensorflow backend. Uses a simple integration with WandbKerasCallback.

cd examples/keras-cnn-fashion
wandb init
wandb run train.py



Trains a small CNN on images of plants and animals using Keras. Highly configurable through command line flags: run with -h to see all the options. The data_tools directory contains a helper script to generate more manageable training datasets from the full 186GB iNaturalist 2017 dataset. A 12K subset of the data can be downloaded by clicking this link. For more context on this example, see this blog post and this W&B report, which explores various settings and hyperparameters.

cd examples/keras-cnn-nature
wandb init
python train_small_cnn.py


Enables two kinds of finetuning experiments:

  • loading various pretrained base CNNs (Xception,ResNet, InceptionResNetV2, InceptionV3), pretraining for some epochs, freezing some of the layers of the resulting network, then continuing to finetune the rest of the layers
  • loading a small CNN, pretraining on general labels (in this case, predicting one of 5 biological classes) for a certain number of epochs, then finetuning on specific labels (predicting one of 25 biological species)

Highly configurable with commandline flags: run with -h to see all the options.

cd examples/keras-cnn-nature
wandb init
python finetune_experiments.py


Trains a GAN on mnist data using a CNN in the keras framework with the tensorflow backend. This shows a more complicated integration with wandb using a custom callback on the generator model and the discriminator model.

cd examples/keras-gan-mnist
wandb init
wandb run train.py


Trains a fashion mnist classifier with a small CNN using the tensorflow framework.

cd examples/tf-cnn-fashion
wandb init
wandb run train.py


Trains a fashion mnist classifier with a small CNN using the pytorch framework.

cd examples/pytorch-cnn-fashion
wandb init
wandb run train.py