Backslashes in text fields are lost after backup and restore
sierracc opened this issue · 3 comments
Backslashes in String fields are lost after backup and restore.
Original text field content: "data\with\backslash";
mysql-backup4j produces an insert statement like this:
INSERT INTO [...] VALUES ('data\with\backslash')
After restore, the field contains the value "datawithbackslash". This is because MySQL requires backslashes in SQL to be escaped.
When exporting data using this library, I'm encountering the same issue with the handling of backslashes in strings.
This is what I'm getting when I try to export data using this library.
INSERT INTO `backup`(`id`, `saas_client_id`, `created_at`, `created_by`, `last_modified_by`, `modified_at`, `deleted_at`, `deleted_by`, `is_deleted`, `name`, `destination_path`, `filename`, `fs_backup_status`, `db_backup_status`) VALUES
('4', '1', '2024-07-17 05:06:20.846334', '1', null, null, null, null, 0, 'db Backup test_1', 'C:\Users\Josel\Desktop\backup_test', '', 0, 2);
But the strings with slashes are not being escaped properly. Please note the value of destination_path
column "C:\Users\Josel\Desktop\backup_test"
When I try to import it back to DB it doesn't get inserted as the original value. For example it's corrupted like this: "C:UsersJoselDesktop�ackup_test"
While exporting I want to get slashes escaped like the following: "C:\\Users\\Josel\\Desktop\\backup_test"
when I manually export the dump file, the strings with slashes are escaped correctly .
To export all types of characters properly in String type, I needed to do more escaping work - here is my code:
private String getDataInsertStatement(String table) throws SQLException {
// escape the single quotes that might be in the value
val = val
.replace("\", "\\") // Escape backslashes first
.replace("'", "\'") // Escape single quotes
.replace(""", "\"") // Escape double quotes, if necessary
.replace("\n", "\n") // Escape newlines
.replace("\r", "\r") // Escape carriage returns
.replace("\t", "\t"); // Escape tabs