
how can I use pretrained model

choiyoungwook opened this issue · 5 comments

이 부분은 한국어로 작성하도록 하겠습니다. pretrain model을 사용하여 단일 이미지에 대한 deblur 결과값을 얻고싶은데 test할 이미지를 어떤식으로 넣어주어야하는지 알려주실 수 있으실까요?

I will answer in English so that others could also understand.

Basically, you can follow demo in README.

First, put the images to be deblurred in a folder.
For example, ~/blur_imgs
All the images under the directory will be deblurred by recursive search.

Second, download a trained model by extracting a zip file under DeepDeblur-Pytorch/experiment
It should look like:
DeepDeblur-Pytorch/experiment/GOPRO_L1/models/, DeepDeblur-Pytorch/experiment/REDS_L1/models/

Then you can run a deblurring model as follows:

python --save_dir GOPRO_L1 --demo true --demo_input_dir blur_imgs
# OR
python --save_dir REDS_L1 --demo true --demo_input_dir blur_imgs

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 67, in
File "", line 64, in main
main_worker(args.rank, args)
File "", line 29, in main_worker
trainer.evaluate(epoch=args.start_epoch, mode='demo')
File "/home/ubuntu/PycharmProjects/choi/yyyy/DeepDeblur-PyTorch/src/", line 181, in evaluate
File "/home/ubuntu/PycharmProjects/choi/yyyy/DeepDeblur-PyTorch/src/loss/", line 313, in get_loss_desc
loss = self.loss_stat[self.mode]['Total'][self.epoch]
KeyError: 1001

DeepDeblur-PyTorch/src/blur_imgs에 이미지를 넣었고 KeyError: 1001 결과를 얻었습니다.
도와주신다면 정말 감사드리겠습니다.

It seems like your demo_input_dir format was not correct.
You may want to refer to issue #9.

Try using an absolute path or relative path to your home directory for now.
This is due to the input path modification.

There are exceptions that reject some conventional relative path format.
I might need to change this path condition...

Now the updated code will follow the default ubuntu path convention.

thank you!!!!!!!!!!