
Get unexpected results from demo

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Results form demo(test image is from GOPRO):

Windows 10 with Anaconda3,
python 3.7.13, pytorch 1.7.0, cudnn 8.2.1, cudatoolkit 11.0.221,
(Because RTX3060 in my machine do not surpport cuda<=10,
and pytorch 1.6 do not surpport cuda>=11, I cannot use pytorch 1.6.0)
tqdm 4.64.0, imageio 2.9.0, scikit-image 0.18.3, numpy 1.19.2, matplotlib 3.5.1, pyreadline 2.1

Test Command:
python --save_dir GOPRO_L1 --demo true --demo_input_dir GOPRO_Large/MyTest --demo_output_dir GOPRO_Large/MyResult

I modified as this issue, and changed nothing else.
I want to know why I got this result and what should I do to get correct result.

Hi @XCR16729438,

Did you download the pretrained model weights?
Please refer to #1. Your case seems to be the same one.

I see, I really downloaded model files, but I just put them in ./src.
I didn't notice that I should put them in ./experiment.
Now the demo works very well, thanks!