
dataset folder

Closed this issue · 6 comments

hello, thanks for your codes, i want to know how to create the dataset folder likes GOPRO dataset ,thx!

Hi @tkone2018,
I didn't precisely understand what you mean.
Do you mean you want to know how to construct the GOPRO dataset?
Or the args.data_root folder here:

group_data.add_argument('--data_root', type=str, default='~/Research/dataset', help='dataset root location')

For the dataset construction, you can refer to equation 2 in the paper.
To create the dataset folder, I simply used mkdir command.
The data structure should look like "dataset/GOPRO_Large/train/GOPRxxxx_xx_xx/blur_gamma/xxxxxx.png"

emm, construct GOPRO dataset tree, i download the datast likes this:
HR HR_blur LR LR_blur, so i do not know how to construct the datasete tree like yours

It seems like you have downloaded the REDS dataset which is different from the GOPRO_Large dataset.

If you look into the Datasets section, there are two different links for GOPRO and REDS.
Here's the direct link for the GOPRO_Large dataset.
It contains the file structure like above.

aha,i can not use google now

ok, thank you