
Add individual test support

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It should be possible to run tests against individual vars.

The test operation in cider allows vars to be specified.

Fireplace has a regex which pulls out the var of the deftest under the cursor. It's worth considering:

  • Could a piece of clojure code extract the var(s) somehow?
  • Are there any drawbacks to the existing regex solution, particularly around 3rd-party extensions?
  • Could a new CIDER op provide a list of project tests?
  • Could the CIDER test op be extended to take it's internal data of:
    {"foo" ["test1" "test2"]
     "bar" ["test3"]
  • Should a visually selected range of tests do something?
  • Is it valuable to have something which lets a list of vars in the current namespace to load into a filterable interface of some kind (fzf, etc.) to be tested?

Given a little more exploration of the CIDER api (706bb89), I don't think it would be easy to provide "Load a list of vars into a quickfix", at least not from the perspective of multi-namespace. It might be fine for single-namespace.