
A measurement api that makes it easy to convert between units and format the unit depending on the Locale

Primary LanguageKotlin


Table of Contents

  1. Gradle Dependency
  2. Usage

Gradle Dependency

To add this library to your project, you'll have to add the following dependency.

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.appwise-labs:measurements:<Latest-Version>'


Following line can be used to define a Measurement with a Unit of kilograms.

val m1 = Measurement(0.2, UnitMass.kilograms)

In order to convert it to another unit (of the same unit type)

val m2 = m1.converted(UnitMass.pounds)

When you want to format the measurement to show it to the user you can call the format function.


You can also make calculations with different measurements

val m1 = Measurement(0.2, UnitMass.kilograms)
val m2 = m1.converted(UnitMass.pounds)

val sum = m1 + m2

Which would result in "0.4 kg".