
User sign in page

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To use the product as any type of User, the individual must first sign in

As a User (i.e. Patient, Doctor, Receptionist, Admin) I want to sign into the application so I can use its services


  • Frontend
  • API Gateway + Accounts

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The page is titled "Sign In"
  2. The page contains three components: an email field, a password field, and a button
  3. Based on the email entered in, the User should be signed in and shown the appropriate app view (e.g. a Doctor is shown the "doctor dashboard", a Patient is shown the "patient dashboard")
  4. The User should only be able to sign in if they've entered a valid email and password (see #12 for more details)


There is an email text field

  1. There is an email text field
    1.1. The email field should validate against a standard email format
    1.2. The email field should be selected by default when the sign in page is loaded
    2.1. Password field
    2.2. The user should be able to toggle the password field and view/hide their password
    2.3. Any fields that do not pass validation criteria should be highlighted red, and text should be displayed under the field should describe their error (see #12 for more detail)
    2.4. The sign in button should be titled "Sign In", and should sign the User in if they've entered in valid information


NOTE - Distinction between a "Patient Record" and an "Account": An Account is information that our application requires for a User to use our site (i.e. Doctor, Patient, Receptionist, etc.). Since there are different types of Users, an Account is a container for the different roles. We use Accounts to keep track of roles and authentication. Each User does not have the same type of information as others. A "Patient Record" (also called a medical record) is Patient specific information. A medical record can be used by Doctors or Receptionists to manage the Patients information (e.g. address, name, appointment history, medications, etc.).