Class project - guess 5 elements from the first 20 of the periodic table. Final Project for Intermediate Python class I completed
This project was done in the Jupyter Notebook environment The goal was to use !curl to download" as elements1_20.txt Then - open the file with the first 20 elements and read one line at a time to get element names, remove any whitespace (spaces, newlines) and save each element name, as lowercase, into a list
A function was created - get_names() - Call the get_names() function User input would be the return value for the quiz responses list The program would then check if responses are in the list of elements Iterate through all 5 responses and compare each response to the list of 20 elements any response that is in the list of 20 elements is correct and should be added to a list of correct responses if not in the list of 20 elements then add to a list of incorrect responses Finally, calculate the % correct answers and print the outcome