
Get MMR of a player

stdevCrow opened this issue · 7 comments

How to obtain the MMR by using the player's ronin address (or anything else)? Some sites like already fetch leaderboard data, like

The GraphQL API strictly only provides marketplace data. For use cases such as yours, you may use the game API or proxies around it.

I see. Thanks. Just to know. What about axies pricing? The GraphQL API provides information about auctions. But if an axie's price is fixed, I don't see how to obtain such price since action info is null.

The axie/axies query provides a field that returns the current listing price of the given Axie. It is still under the auction field.

Apparently I tried to get the price of an Axie that I just put to sell, and the market were not aware yet and returned null. So yeah you're right, my bad.
btw I don't understand the non-USD pricing units. I just requested info about this axie:
And the auction section returned:

'auction': {
  'startingPrice': '150000000000000000',
  'endingPrice': '150000000000000000',
  'startingTimestamp': '1633902144',
  'endingTimestamp': '1633988544',
  'duration': '86400',
  'timeLeft': '0',
  'currentPrice': '150000000000000000',
  'currentPriceUSD': '561.76',
  'suggestedPrice': '150000000000000000',
  'seller': '0xc1f5233e97f1a859e1aad4dcb32ba2d7426f8fd8',
  'listingIndex': 3189250,
  '__typename': 'Auction'

Nevermind. After checking more Axies it appears that I must divide by 10^18 to get the actual ETH price. Thanks for everything and have a nice day.

The GraphQL API strictly only provides marketplace data. For use cases such as yours, you may use the game API or proxies around it.

A last question: Do you have any idea about where I should start looking such game API or other proxies? I already found one to check the SLP given a ronin address. But I have not a single clue about MMR.

The GraphQL API strictly only provides marketplace data. For use cases such as yours, you may use the game API or proxies around it.

A last question: Do you have any idea about where I should start looking such game API or other proxies? I already found one to check the SLP given a ronin address. But I have not a single clue about MMR.

Have you had any luck getting the MMR?