
SharePoint Discussion thread

Closed this issue · 5 comments

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Anyone knows how to query for replies for one SharePoint Discussion thread? seen somewhere that you need to Post a CAML to the folder. Is there a PNP JS Core example for that?
Thanks in advance

Hey @Ofer-Gal,

A discussion board, if to oversimplify, is nothing more than a list with discussion content type derived from a folder's one and messages, which are items in folders.

Considering this, any approaches available in REST for list with folders will work. For instance:

(async () => {

const listUri = `${_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl}/Lists/DiscussionBoard`;
const discussionList = pnp.sp.web.getList(listUri);

const discussions = await discussionList.items
  .select('*,FileRef') // FileRef is a discussion folder path
  .filter(`startswith(ContentTypeId, '0x0120')`).get();

console.log(`Discussion: ${discussions[0].Title}`);
console.log(`Discussion folder: ${discussions[0].FileRef}`);

// Getting messages by folder filtering
const messages = await discussionList.items
  .filter(`FileDirRef eq '${discussions[0].FileRef}'`).get();


console.log(`Discussion: ${discussions[1].Title}`);
console.log(`Discussion folder: ${discussions[1].FileRef}`);

// Getting messages with renderListDataAsStream method and folder param
const messages2 = await discussionList.renderListDataAsStream({
  ViewXml: '<view></view>', // Dont miss further conf
  FolderServerRelativeUrl: discussions[1].FileRef



Hope this will help.

thx @koltyakov that relay helped.
Having to support IE10 I could not use the great ES6 syntax :-( but was able to translate to simple jQuery.
the reply filter: "filter(FileDirRef eq '${discussions[0].FileRef}')" always returened empty []
But the discussionList.renderListDataAsStream had a Row object with all the replies.
I am only straggling with "ParentItemID" and "Editor.title" that is showing when I get all the list items but not in the results of renderListDataAsStream
I changed the view to:"ViewXml: "<view><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ParentItemID'/></ViewFields></view>" but it did not help.
Is there another way to tell it which fields to render? and expand the Editor?

I could not use the great ES6 syntax

Sorry to hear it. Can't even recall the last time I needed to write raw ES5 ever. It's usually ES2017 or TypeScript and transpilation to ES5 involved.

FileDirRef eq '${discussions[0].FileRef}' corresponds to the following ES5:

"FileDirRef eq '" + discussions[0].FileRef} + "'"

Please check, you should be receiving discussion messages with usual OData $select, $expand capabilities.

With renderListDataAsStream I got all the fields you mentioned with an empty <View></View>:



Nice! Going to close the issue.