
Issue in Contoso Work Template - Getting WARNING: Hub site association failed: Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid.

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Hi Team,

I am trying to provision contoso work hub template. I did the following steps,

  • Created a communication site "hr-works" is the URL
  • Registered as hub site
  • Created a new communication site "hr-live"
  • Associated the above site with "hr-works"
  • Executing the below script to provision the template

$SiteURL = "https://xxxxxxxx/sites/hr-works"
$TemplateXML ="D:\tenant\contosoworks\source\template.xml"

#Connect to PnP Online
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Interactive

#Apply provisioning Template
Invoke-PnPSiteTemplate -path $TemplateXML

Getting the warning: Hub association is failed at end of the script.

I am using tenant admin to execute this script. I need a help to provision contoso works template in my environment. what are the steps i have to follow. There is no instruction in github repo also.

Help me to figure out this issue.