
M365 Learning Pathways Failing to Provision

giacinto41 opened this issue · 6 comments

While the Provisioning service was down, I tried provisioning manually. It succeeded but the site didn't look right so I decided to delete the Learning Pathways site that was created and the customlearning package I added to the App Catalog. I waited for the provisioning service to come back online and tried again.

I filled in the fields to provision the site, once the popup "Validating Prerequisites" came up, it would disappear and I wouldn't get the popup confirming what would be provisioned.

Expected behavior
A popup confirming what would be provisioned.

Hi, I've got the same issue. Is it possible that the provisioning is still not functioning after the maintenance?

Could be but since I tried to manually provision beforehand, maybe there are still remnants of the previous install that I am not noticing or that I forgot to remove.

Anyone able to shed some light on this??


Now it goes a step further: it starts the provisioning, says "in progress" and finally "complete". But no site is created and the SharePoint app in not loaded.

Yep tried that myself and that's where I get now as well. Did you get the email that says provisioning is complete and successful?

My provisioning was completed and I see that the app and site were created but I did not get an email confirming that it was completed, nor did I get the link to finish the setup (CustomLearningAdmin.aspx). Should I go to this link manually or wait for the email?? If so what would be the rest of the URL after my M365 Site URL?

Thanks for using the Look Book site. We've just refreshed the solution and I invite you to test it now. In case of any problem, please create a new issue and provide the PnP Correlation ID (that you get by email together with the provisioning outcome), so that we can investigate it further. Thanks.