
Provisioning completed but gettting file not found.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the issue
Provisioned the Learning Pathways template. Provisioning Status: Provisioning completed. But when navigating to sites//SitePages/CustomLearningAdmin.aspx I get 404 FILE NOT FOUND.

Expected behavior
Sucessful provisioning of template.

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Additional context
I was able to deploy and access the following template.

I'm having the same problem unable to provision sites at the moment. I wonder if it has something to do with global outage where you couldn't access the admin portals or the other week. Was working fine until that happened.

Tried deploying again under a different name. This time I received an email that said provisioning failed.
correlation ID: bbf8eb39-2e5c-470c-a848-fb4840f3c391

Thanks for using the Look Book site. Based on the log I can see that the issue was an "Access Denied" while trying to upload the customlearning.sppkg file to the App Catalog. Could you please check that you have proper permissions and eventually manually remove the file from the App Catalog before applying the template? In case of any issue, please create another item and provide the corresponding Correlation ID for further investigation. Thanks for your cooperation.

@michaelpayne636 @PaoloPia Nope I don't get that. Just get provisioning completed and then '404 FILE NOT FOUND' site doesn't appear in the admin centre. I have global admin and SPO Admin rights.

@Matt-Thomp my reply was for @michaelpayne636. I'm going to reply to you in the issue tha you opened (#627).

FYI - someone had removed administrative permissions to the app catalog. After re-adding them I was able to provision the template successfully.