[MailSystem] AutoSetup
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SharkyTheKing commented
Create a command that handles automatically setting up the system for a guild.
This needs to be a multistep process that asks the owner (or staff that is considered admin by the bot or has manage_guild's permissions.)
- Check if they want to set an already-made category as the mail category.
- If they choose an already-made category, check permissions for the bot, it MUST need manage_channels permissions.
- If they want to make a new one, collect what roles they want to have mod access (send messages, manage messages, etc.) and store category in config.
- Check if they want to set an already-made logging channel.
- If they choose to connect to an already-made channel, check permissions for send_message and embed_links, then add to config.
- If creating a new channel, ask if they want to sync to category perms. If not, get what roles they want access to it.
- Asks if they want to use embeds or messages for the new modmail tickets.
If this is worked on before the embed/message configuration is finished, then don't incorporate the third bulletin.