FloatingLabel problem
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Deleted user commented
When I add the floatingLabel option, this label block the normal behavior of the component. I need to do two clicks to show the options when there aren't options selected.
I checked the same behavior in the live demo.
Why this happen? Any fast solution?
Sharlaan commented
Hi, nice catch there !
It actually work properly if you do NOT click on the floating label text, click :
- in the free space between the label and the arrow
- on the arrow
But indeed clicking on the label triggers only the shrinking of the label, but does not trigger the opening of the options menu...
I'll try to push a fix for tomorrow.
Thanks for your report
Deleted user commented
Thank you for the quick answering.
I'll waiting the fix :)
Sharlaan commented
Check for the newly released v1.8.6, enjoy ^^
Deleted user commented
@Sharlaan you are a genius! Thx you so much! :)