
Crash caused by conflict

Bubik111 opened this issue · 2 comments

So my mindustry crash at startup and i found out the mod conflicted with Scheme Size.
All of my mod are latest update.
Here's the crash report:

Mindustry has crashed. How unfortunate.
Version: release build 145.1
OS: Windows 10 x64 (amd64)
Java Version: 16.0.1
Runtime Available Memory: 4084mb
Cores: 12
Mods: informatis:1.8.2, scheme-size:2.7.71

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: tags
	at arc.util.Reflect.get(
	at arc.util.Reflect.get(
	at informatis.ui.fragments.QuickSchemFragment$2.<init>(
	at informatis.ui.fragments.QuickSchemFragment.lambda$setSchemTable$0(
	at arc.scene.ui.layout.Collapser.<init>(
	at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.collapser(
	at informatis.ui.fragments.QuickSchemFragment.setSchemTable(
	at informatis.ui.fragments.QuickSchemFragment.<init>(
	at informatis.ui.fragments.FragmentManager.init(
	at informatis.Informatis.lambda$init$1(
	at mindustry.ClientLauncher.update(
	at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.listen(
	at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.loop(
	at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.<init>(
	at mindustry.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: tags
	at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Unknown Source)
	at arc.util.Reflect.get(
	... 16 more

I didn't get any startup crashes after installing schem-size and restarting.
can you check with the latest action build?

due to this issue being too old and the reporter no longer responding, the issue is closed now.