
Killstats on weekly reset basis

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Killstats on weekly/pr reset basis

Would it be possible to have a "weekly kill list" for e.g worldbosses/rares/npc_id you add yourself (like Sha of Anger) that keeps track if your char have killed it this week/reset.

Describe the solution you'd like

Maybe a separate window that shows which rares/bosses/npc_id you have killed this reset. or add it to tooltext "Killed this reset : Yes/No"

When having multiple chars that you use for drop-farming it would be nice to have a addon to keep track and not using notepad :)

Describe alternatives you've considered

This could maybe be done with a WeakAura script or simmilar but i havnt found a script that covers this.

Will you be working to implement this feature yourself in a PR?

No - I never made it further than HelloWorld :)

Sounds like a neat feature, but perhaps a bit out of scope for KillTrack and maybe better suited for its own standalone AddOn.

That said, if there are APIs that make it quick and easy to check these (similar to the quest completion API), it might be small enough that it can be added as an optional feature to KillTrack.

I didn't find much from quickly searching on the subject, except this thread from 2020:

Going by that, I fear this kind of tracking would need manual setup of various kinds (linking a mob to its relevant quest ID et.c., or even completely manual tracking for some).

This would be a decent idea for its own AddOn then, I think. Something where the user can add mobs by their IDs and set what kind of schedule the kill runs on (or link it to a quest ID for automatic tracking), with perhaps a pre-built list of available mobs to track.

In the meantime, the best option within KillTrack is to check the "last killed" timestamp for a mob and manually figure out if it's been killed during the current reset. Not very convenient though.

Though that said, just having a check on the timestamp of a mob compared to when the last reset was is probably small enough a feature to include. However when I looked into it a bit there doesn't seem to be any APIs that return when the next or previous weekly resets are :/ There's only an API for getting the next daily quest is.

I'll leave this issue open for the meantime but I can't make any promises to figuring out anything smart at the moment :(

Edit: Seems my searching was not good enough, there actually is an API to get when the next weekly reset occurs:

With that one should be able to work backwards to the previous reset to get a timestamp for that and compare with the mob kill timestamp. Now all that remains is to find time to implement such a feature :p