
The description is not set during install

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When specifying a description via the install parameters, the description is set as a separate command after the install.
The issue is that no service name is supplied as part of this command so it does not execute, just displays the usage help which does not result in error in the build script.

See MS help for details

Fixed in v0.2.9 👍

It occurs again. After installed the service, the description is empty.
Here is my script:

    InstallService(new InstallSettings()
        ServiceName = "TestService",
        DisplayName = "My Test Service",
        Description = "My Test Service Description",

        ExecutablePath = @"C:\Projects\TestService\bin\Debug\TestService.exe",
        StartMode = "auto"

Cake.Services version is 0.3.6