
Button colors do not work

fumatamax opened this issue · 4 comments

I tried to add the ID of the button color and it does not change. I have also tried to add a string with the hexadecimal of the color. But it fails completely, because it needs an ID of the COLOR.

I don't know if it has something to do, but now the buttons by default comes with the XML attribute to change the background of the button, called: app:backgroundTint.

I don't know if I need to update the FancyDialog code, or maybe I'm doing something wrong. So that the change of colors of the fancydialog buttons is not realized concretely: setNegativeBtnBackground and setPositiveBtnBackground.

Pass your color that's it

.setPositiveBtnBackground(R.color.positiveButton) // Pass the color from color.xml
.setNegativeBtnBackground(R.color.negativeButton) // Pass the color from color.xml

color is not working for buttons

.setGifResource(R.drawable.gif1) //Pass your Gif here

Same here the button are white, and the text is white and is not visible in this case can we have fix for this soon I see the issue is form Jul 1 2021 i try on emulators and real devices text is white and color of the button does not change

Edit: The problem appear is from the button in the xml if you use compat dependancy the button need to be changed to appcompatbutton and you can set the color .