
Doesnt connect with csgo

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I've set up the whole code that you've provided, everything works, but it doesn't connect with csgo itself. Do you have any suggestions or links that may sort my issue out?

Apologies for the late reply. Has your problem been fixed?

Won't connect with my client too.
Using the config in the github repo and following code:

let gsi = new CSGOGSI({ authToken: ["Q79v5tcxVQ8u"] });

gsi.on("event", function(data) {

Nvm, fixed after restarting csgo & adding following code:

gsi.on("roundPhase", function(data) {
    if (data === "over") {
        console.log("round over");

Same error here. The csgo dont send requests to client

This works in csgo server cfg folder? My server not read the file gamestate_integration_node.cfg