
This is repo of a online puzzle game where you have to find clues through out the story and get key in order to proceed to next level

Primary LanguageCSS

Darkend Trail

Above project is a puzzle website made with NodeJs and Mongo. Story follows our main character Tom who's brother (Jack) went missing one day. Now he is on the track to findout what happened. In this adventure intensive puzzle you will have to find out clues in many form which are spread through out the chapter, when solves will form a key to progress to next chapter.


App Screenshot

App Screenshot


To deploy this project run

  npm run dev




To run the project one have to install following dependencies:

  • Node Js
  • express
  • mongoose
  • nodemon
  • hbs

must be familiar with npm (node package manager). Handelbars (hbs) is being used as view engine


Build command is

  npm install


clues are hidden throughout the story leading to passcode which is 17 19 23 5 71 user can also follow wrong clues and meet themself in a dead end.
