Equipment Record Monitor

Overview 📝

A monitor to show equipment records. One can add, delete and search for a record.

Github page:

The application is hosted in



  • React
  • Axios
  • React-router
  • Material-table


  • AWS Amplify
  • AWS API Gateway
  • AWS Lambda
  • DynamoDB


The application is located in:, one can interact with the frontend or directly with the API:

Interact with the API:


curl -X GET\?limit\=2

This example will return 3 equipment records.


curl -X GET

This example searches for an equipment record whose equipment number is 2.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"equipNum":"2","address":"Espoo","contractStart":"2022-03-20","contractEnd":"2022-03-25","status":"Running"}'

This example will create a new equipment record and stores it in the database.


curl -X DELETE

This example deletes equipment records whose equipment number is 2.


I adopted React to develop the frontend, because with React, one can conveniently reuse components, this is suitable for cooperation between developers. I used material-table to render the table because it offers various custom actions to configure different operations on row data. I used react-router to manage routes and Axios as HTTP client. The frontend is hosted in AWS Amplify, because it can build and host an extensible full-stack application. Also, it can connect to Github and trigger CI/CD. Therefore, whenever this git repository has a new commit, it'd trigger a new deployment.

When developing, I configured Prettier for maintaining code quality. Git for version control. Developers can easily manage environment variables with .env file.

I implemented a serverless backend in AWS, the figure below shows the architecture:


Equipment records are stored in DynamoDB, which is a reliable and serverless NoSQL database. Several AWS Lambdas were created to integrate with the database. AWS Lambdas is a lightweight serverless compute service, it runs my code in response and manages underlying compute resources for me. Requests are handled by AWS API Gateway. It can easily manage APIs and handles tasks, e.g., concurrent API calls, and traffic management.

source codes for frontend are located in src folder, source codes for lambda function are located in AWS_lambda folder.

Future work📈

  • All the AWS configurations can be specified in AWS Cloudformation, it is preferable to the AWS console, because it allows code review before editing infrastructure. We can also build CI/CD with Cloudformation, so that the pipeline is automated.
  • Different IAM roles can be created and assigned to different developers so that we have permission control to decide who can deploy and edit cloud services.
  • AWS Cognito can be added to the architecture to implement user authorization and authentication.
  • Grafana can be configured to monitor the status of our system, e.g., the volume of request traffic.
  • Utilize Regex for more fine-grained input validation.
  • Integrate GraphQL. It has a strongly-typed schema to validate data, and it can save bandwidth without over-fetching data.