
what was your batch size in the end?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

ejcer commented

I know you used 1080 Ti, what kind of batch size did you use with that?

Also, just for ballparking, did you downsample your images that went into each batch?

Thanks for the great writeup, presentation, and code sharing, yours went into more detail on the setup than most others

Hi emcenrue,

I'm happy you found my repository useful.

No downsampling is performed before feeding the images to the CNN. I found any downsampling hurts accuracy. Due to limited resources I used a very small batch size (either 2 or 4, I believe 2 on my final submission).

The images are similar enough that it didn't really seem to break batch normalization (which works better with larger batch sizes), but if I had a chance to do this again I would use batch "renormalization" which is designed to work better with small batches.