
Apply the license to this repository

alexandre-mbm opened this issue · 3 comments

GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)

This info is found at SourceForge.

Thank you for your interest in the project and tips.
Yes, I really forgot about this project, but here it is necessary to do a lot. Thank you for reminding!
Moreover, there is a lot to do, including a little rewrite the application code. But I work very tightly in Linux and very rarely go to Windows. I now do not even have a visual studio near at hand to check the code for errors.
If you have such an opportunity - I will gladly accept edits.
Thanks again! :)

I work very tightly in Linux and very rarely go to Windows.

If I understood, I also am so. Sorry.

But me or you can make small changes at GitHub from my tips. For example, applying the license to the files.