
How can i open large ISO files?

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I'm trying to open a 4.37GB ISO9660 file but im getting this error:
++ WARN: could not retrieve file info for 'C:\Users\albay\Desktop\UEFA Champions League 2006-07.iso': value too large
but its working when i open low size files.

My code:

const char* path = "C:\\Users\\albay\\Desktop\\UEFA Champions League 2006-07.iso";

iso9660_t* iso = iso9660_open(path);

if (!iso) {
    printf("Failed to open ISO file.");
    return -1;

CdioList_t* isoRootList = iso9660_ifs_readdir(iso, "/");
CdioListNode_t* isoListNode;

_CDIO_LIST_FOREACH(isoListNode, isoRootList) {
    auto record = (iso9660_stat_t*)_cdio_list_node_data(isoListNode);
    if (record->type != 1)

    printf("Filename: %s, Location: %s, Size: %i\n", record->filename, record->lsn, record->size);

Best Regards.

i found better source for read iso file cry more