Broken in new versions of unturned
Closed this issue · 3 comments
LeandroTheDev commented
The plugin crash after base.LoadPlugin();
in line 92
in SherbetVaultsPlugin.cs
I think is caused by the Rocket.Extension plugin
Parent class vtable failed to initialize, due to: Could not resolve the signature of a virtual method assembly:data-0000024B231B8800 type:RocketCommand member:(null)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle.type_is_assignable_from(System.Type,System.Type)
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CanCastTo (System.RuntimeType type, System.RuntimeType target) [0x00000] in <47fc8c70fa834cbf8141d7c1a7589125>:0
at System.RuntimeType.IsAssignableFrom (System.Type c) [0x00020] in <47fc8c70fa834cbf8141d7c1a7589125>:0
at SherbetVaults.Models.Restrictions.RestrictionBuilder+<>c.<Init>b__5_0 (System.Type x) [0x00000] in <eb8f7fa8fa4a4fc7af258d82b2116a79>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereArrayIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () [0x0002c] in <d61464951b0243f18092630834a7bf18>:0
at SherbetVaults.Models.Restrictions.RestrictionBuilder.Init () [0x00078] in <eb8f7fa8fa4a4fc7af258d82b2116a79>:0
at SherbetVaults.SherbetVaultsPlugin.LoadPluginInternal () [0x000b1] in <eb8f7fa8fa4a4fc7af258d82b2116a79>:0
at SherbetVaults.SherbetVaultsPlugin.LoadPlugin () [0x0002c] in <eb8f7fa8fa4a4fc7af258d82b2116a79>:0
ShimmyMySherbet commented
Parent class vtable failed to initialize, due to: Could not resolve the signature of a virtual method assembly
This is a type of type load error, make sure you have the correct libraries installed, and that the correct version of the libraries are being loaded.
This could be either Rocket Extensions, or MySQL.Data. Though loading an outdated version of MySQL.Data in place of a requested newer version is a common cause of the vtable type error.
LeandroTheDev commented
I am using the libraries from the releases section
LeandroTheDev commented
the library netstandard is missing in the releases libraries folder this is why is crashing